Lazy Sunday morning with the rain on the skylights and my guys checking out some videos online. It was pretty perfect.
There was a concert tonight.
He's ten and we are in this strange space of coming into his own and still little.
So, when I find myself in the audience of his dance parties and concerts and there are a million other things to be doing I try to be present. And when I see his smile, happy that I'm doing nothing but sitting there watching him, my heart fills with appreciation that he still needs me and he still wants my attention.
And sometimes he even lets me get my camera.
After we dropped big brother off at school we had a package to drop in the mail and a stop at the ATM to make before our sitter was at the house.
With the fancy donut store in between the two errands how could I not treat these sweet boys.
None for Mama, I've actually lost my affinity for donuts. Now, if we were talking bagels - another story.
Grapefruit in the winter might be my favorite. Even better? Ruby Red Grapefruit from South Texas.
My childhood was full of Christmas visits from my Grandma and Grandpa "Rancho" bearing huge mesh sacks of Ruby Red Grapefruit. Distinct memories of peeling, not cutting, them and sprinkling them with salt are strong. These are habits I've carried into my present.
There are no longer huge mesh bags from South Texas just as there are no longer Ruby Reds (Texas now only grows Rio Star Grapefruit) but my ritual is the same. Once a day I peel, skin, and sprinkle with salt.
I'm not sure which frustrates me more.
a) leaving work in the dark of night, aka 6PM
b) sitting in a makeshift parking lot ready to be home
I struggle with both. So tonight, as I sat among all the lights of downtown I made the choice to not see frustration but beauty.
This is what my camera does for me. It gives me another filter to process my world - the joys and the frustrations and for that I am thankful.
The cough that won't go away.
Tonight we pulled out "the Froggy" in hopes that it helps him sleep a little better.
Winter Break is over and its time to trade in my yoga pants and slippers for this side of my closet.
Let the crazy begin...
Fried Backstrap with the most amazing Jalapeño Gravy was what was for lunch on Sunday.
There are the pretty pictures of the plated meal but its this one that speaks to me.
The old apron he purchased long ago on a business trip San Francisco, the Tupperware containers that have been around for so many years I feel as though they were inherited, the hands in motion, the wedding ring going on 13 years, the meat that he brought home to us after a hunting trip. Yes, all these details are ones I don't want to forget.
But what I want to remember the most is that he is an artist like me. His work just happens to be in the kitchen.
For Christmas Garrett gifted Owen is old bike and everyday no matter the weather Owen begs to ride.
The other night at dinner he told us he was "the Beast" on his bike.
Today I let him loose in the nature preserve and he loved every minute. OK, well maybe not so much the downhills until he learned how to back peddle to stop.
Today story trumps photograph.
Today there were toys in the bathtub and that was huge.
A few months ago I was trying to get Owen out of the bath tub and without thinking of possible ramifications, other than him getting out of the bathtub, said:
"Hurry, the bathtub is going to eat you!!"
The drain was missing the cover and the water was draining quickly. He jumped out and I didn't give it another thought.
Until one night Travis was hysterically screaming as the bathtub drained.
The bathtub was going to eat the toys, he said.
Every bath after ended in terrorized screams about the toys being eaten until we finally had to take out all the toys.
With every bath I tried to undo the damage caused by my words and tonight we turned a corner.
There were toys in the bathtub, but not many, only a few. I suppose he felt he could save them if he needed to. Just a few.
O: Mama, ask me why I'm wearing gloves.
M: OK, why are you wearing gloves?
O: Because if the wheel is on fire I can still fly the ship.
Apparently our bed makes the best ship.