3 :: 30 | Documenting Gratitude

Boys and video games. 

There is certainly a push and pull in our household. Time is limited. Games are limited. The request is always being made for more time, more games. 

In the past few months Owen started asking to play with Garrett and in the beginning it was an activity that seemed to always end in bickering and my demand to turn it off. As I walked through the house this Sunday afternoon I realized it was quiet enough to hear their conversation. Brothers, working as a team. 

When I walked into the room I couldn't help myself. A huge smile came over me when I saw them side by side on their bean bags with Owen mimicking Garrett's legs. 

Much of the angst between these two is Owen wanting to be just like his big brother and Garrett not wanting a shadow, not wanting someone who wants to do everything just like him. Yet here they were finding companionship instead of rivalry. 

I worry that they are so very different they will miss their connection as brothers. I respect and acknowledge that they are different people but always hope they will find commonality where they can build a relationship from. It's a lot to ask for a 10 and 4 year old but I ask anyway. 

Video games. Who would have thought I would be giving gratitude for Minecraft? But yes, on this day, in this moment, as I reached for my camera I gave thanks for this connection. 

4 :: 30 | Documenting Gratitude

2 :: 30 | Documenting Gratitude